Thursday, September 14, 2006

Is it Just Me?

Man, I feel like I just broke up with my girl friend after a 3 year relationship. Every morning I would awake to read CHB in the Globe and check on the other wild card contenders. Every day I would anticipate that night's game. I had my special places to visit: Camden Yards when the Sox would come to town and the MLB website to see what new jersey to order.

Now it's all been ripped away. I just don't care right now. No, we can't just be friends. I want what we had back.

A New York series, lay it on the line, FOX TV, Evil Empire, blah, blah, blah. Now, it's nothing. Who cares? A meaningless series.

Canst thou, O cruel! say I love thee not,
When I against myself with thee partake?
Do I not think on thee, when I forgot
Am of my self, all tyrant, for thy sake?
Who hateth thee that I do call my friend,
On whom frown'st thou that I do fawn upon,
Nay, if thou lour'st on me, do I not spend
Revenge upon myself with present moan?


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